“Ask the questions that have no answers. Invest in the millenium. Plant sequoias.”
- Wendell Berry

Resources for Farmers

  • One Shelf of our Library

    Alan Savory - All Books

    Al Gore - The Earth in Balance

    Alanna Moore - Backyard Poultry - Naturally

    Andrew Langford - EcoSocial Design

    Ben Hartman - The Lean Farm

    Bill Mollison - Permaculture Designer’s Manual

    Christopher Alexander - Pattern Language

    Christopher Alexander - The Timeless Way of Building

    Cato - On Farming

    Curtis Stone - The Urban Farmer

    David Holmgren - Permaculture: Pathways Beyond Sustainability

    David Jacke - Edible Forest Gardens Volume 1 and 2

    E.F. Schumacker - Small is Beautiful

    Elliot Coleman - Four Seasons Harvest

    Elliot Coleman - The New Organic Grower

    Endghal - Seeds of Destruction

    Ethan Roland & Gregory Landua - Regenerative Enterprise

    Ethan Roland Soloviev and Gregory Landua - The Eight Forms of Capital (all writings)

    George Henderson - All Books

    Greg Judy - All Books

    Henry David Thoreau - All Books

    Howard Zinn - A People’s History of the United States

    Jared Diamond - Guns, Germs, and Steel

    Jean-Martin Fortier - The Market Gardener

    Jim Gerrish - All Books

    Joel Salatin - All Books

    Joseph Jenkins - Humanure Handbook

    Ken Fern - Plants for a Future

    Ken Wilbur - All Books

    Leda Meredith - Northeast Foraging

    Lee Schwanz - Rabbits for Food and Profi

    Maria Rodale - The Organic Manifesto

    Mark Sisson - The Primal Blueprint

    Masanobuu Fukuoka - The One Straw Revolution

    Michael Pollan - Omnivore’s Dilemma

    Michael Pollan - The Botany of Desire

    Nyiri Murtagh - For the Love of Ducks

    P.A. Yeoman - All Books

    Paramahansa Yogananda - All Books

    Paul Pitchford - Healing with Whole Foods

    Paul Stamets - Growing Gourmet and Medicinal Mushrooms

    Peiffer - Soil Fertility, Renewal and Preservation

    RJ Garner - The Grafter’s Handbook

    Richard Perkins - All Books

    Rodale - The Complete Book of Composting

    Sally Fallon - Nourishing Traditions

    Sir Albert Howard - All Books

    Sim Van Der Ryn - Ecological Design

    Stella Otto - The Backyard Berry Book

    Stella Otto - The Backyard Orchardist

    Steven Vogel - Life in Moving Fluids

    The Homoeopathic Pharmacopeia of The United States

    Thomas Berry - Evening Thoughts

    Thomas Berry - The Great Work

    Thomas Kempis - The Imitation of Christ

    Upton Sinclair - The Jungle

    Upton Sinclair - Utopia

    Vivekananda - All Books

    Voison - Grass Tetany

    Voison - Soil, Grass and Cancer

    William Cobbett - Cottage Economy

    William McDonough and Eric Braungart - Cradle to Cradle

    William McLarney - Freshwater Aquaculture

  • Regenerative Agriculture Resources to Research

    Bill Mollison

    David Holmegren

    Elliot Coleman

    Farm, Inc. (Movie)

    Greg Judy

    Jean-Martin Fortier

    Jim Gerrish

    Kiss The Ground (Movie)

    PolyFace Farm and Joel Salatin

    Ray Archuletta

    Regenerative Alliance

    Ridgedale Permaculture and Richard Perkins

    Temple Grandin (animal handling)

    The Rodale Institute

    The Savory Institute

    Thomas Berry

    Biggest Little Farm (Movie)

  • Our Favorite Suppliers & Brands

    Wool Winter Work Gloves. $12

    Baker’s Creed Heirloom Seeds

    Farmer’s Friend



    Growers, Inc.

    Johnny’s Seeds

    Nieger’s Grains

    Never Sink Farm

    Seed Saver’s Exchanger

  • Spreadsheets and Documents

    Click HERE to access downloads for farmers.


    Over the years we’ve constructed and accumulated a host of easy to use spreadsheets and documents which we utilize to plan, manage, and execute farm enterprises each year. All are available for purchase HERE. They are, to us, invaluable. We’ve put in thousands of hours so that with a few simple data point entries, automatic calculations can be made for various dates such as weening, egg to field to harvest, feed calculations, weight gain calculations, and full gross profit analysis outputs for each enterprise, including:
    - Broilers
    - Layers
    - Cows
    - Pigs
    - Garlic
    - A full scale Business Planning Spreadsheet including a complete Holistic Financial Management Suit built around Alan Savory’s Holistic Financial Planning model.