“A community is the mental and spiritual condition of knowing that a place is shared and that the people who share the place define and limit the possibilities of each other's lives. It is the knowledge that people have of each other, their concern for each other, their trust in each other, the freedom with which they come and go among themselves. […]
There is much good work to be done by every one of us and we must begin to do it.”
― Wendell Berry

At Ridgemeade we are focused on Community and what we view as our extended farming family. This includes our customers, our neighbors, our vendors, our team members, volunteers, apprentices, and regenerative farmers, homesteaders, and restoration agriculturalists everywhere.
Where big corporations invest in infrastructure, machinery, and automation, our vision is to invest in people, skills, and experience. True profit can only come in the form of community welfare. If we know about it, we’re happy to teach you! If we don’t know, we can learn together.
If you care about restoring ecology and soils, cultivating nutrient-dense foods free of chemicals and ethical dilemmas, and cultivating community, come join our farming family!
We offer occasional Muddy Boots volunteer opportunities - all ages welcome from 10 to 100.
So what’s entailed?
”Muddy Boots” is an 8 hour commitment which includes lunch and dinner. Rain or shine, you will have the opportunity to work alongside one or more of our farmers performing real farm tasks and learning as much as you want while you’re at it. Far more than sightseeing, expect to get your boots muddy!
Typically on Saturdays, Muddy Boots days start with coffee in the Bunk House at 9am with a look at the farm map and a brief group discussion of the project at hand. Volunteers are given instructions and tools and set out to conquer their tasks. Everyone works until noon when the farm bell rings and we all gather for complimentary lunch and beverages in the shade.
Don’t kick your boots off yet though - work begins again around 1:00 and continues until 5:00. Volunteers are then free to freshen up at home or take a plunge in our spring-fed cow trough, then return for camaraderie with each other and the Ridgemeade Team, some tall-tale telling, plenty of laughter, and a complimentary farm dinner al fresco (weather permitting). Significant others are welcome to join us for dinner.
Volunteers who are looking for a longer, more serious commitment are encouraged to consider becoming a Ridgemeade Summer Steward (seasonal volunteering commitment, April - October).
Full Year Apprenticeships will be open starting in 2024 (one open spot).
A liability waiver is provided and required to participate in any and all volunteer opportunities.
Click here for a schedule of upcoming Muddy Boots Days!