Little Farms, not Big Pharma

The pharmaceutical industry has come under increasing scrutiny in recent years, as concerns about its practices and priorities have grown. This scrutiny has exploded in the wake of the COVID-19 vaccination scandals. Generally, with its focus on profit and the use of synthetic drugs to treat symptoms rather than addressing underlying causes, the pharmaceutical industry is often seen as an obstacle to truly effective healthcare.

Regeneratively raised meat and produce offer a compelling alternative, providing a more natural and sustainable approach to health and well-being that can help prevent the development of chronic conditions and reduce the need for pharmaceutical interventions. The effectiveness of focusing on immunity and overall health through careful cultivation of a proper diet is heavily evidenced in the on-going work by the Weston A. Price Foundation, in the literature surrounding the Keto movement and ancestral diets, and in the work of Mark Sisson (The Primal Blueprint).

One of the key problems with the pharmaceutical industry is its tendency to rely on drugs that can have negative side effects. We just love the idea that a little pill kicked back with some O.J. can fix all that ails us. I’m sorry to say, that just isn’t so folks. Side effects (negative) are a guarantee. They can range from minor discomfort to serious and even life-threatening complications but most often, consist of the slow degradation of the body’s natural abilities to build and maintain its systems.

Have a cholesterol problem? Why change your diet and lifestyle when you can pop a statin pill every morning. Did you know that cholesterol pills include the following side effects?

  1. Muscle pain and weakness: The most common side effect of statins is muscle pain and weakness, which can range from mild discomfort to severe myopathy or rhabdomyolysis.

  2. Liver damage: Statins can cause liver damage in some people, leading to an increase in liver enzymes and potential liver failure.

  3. Kidney damage: In some cases, particularly for the elderly or those who have already experienced Kidney problems, statins may cause kidney damage, leading to kidney failure.

  4. Cognitive impairment: Some people taking statins have reported memory loss, confusion, and other cognitive issues.

  5. Increased risk of diabetes: Statins can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, particularly in individuals who are already at risk for the disease.

  6. Digestive problems: Statins may cause gastrointestinal issues such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation.

  7. Skin rash and flushing: Some individuals may experience skin rashes and flushing as a result of taking statins.

  8. Erectile dysfunction: Statins may increase the risk of erectile dysfunction in men.

  9. Headache and dizziness: Some people taking statins have reported headaches and dizziness.

  10. Increased risk of bleeding: Statins can increase the risk of bleeding, particularly in individuals taking other blood-thinning medications.

  11. Decreased energy and fatigue: Some people taking statins have reported feeling tired and fatigued, even after getting enough rest.

  12. Insomnia: Some individuals taking statins have reported difficulty sleeping and insomnia.

  13. Increased risk of cataracts: Statins may increase the risk of developing cataracts, a condition that causes clouding of the eye's lens.

  14. Immune system suppression: Rarely, statins may suppress the immune system, leading to an increased risk of infections and other illnesses.

But hell, those aren’t all that bad - and at least we can keep gorging ourselves on cheap processed carbs and sugars right?

This isn’t the only drug that causes problems like this. These symptoms are part of the package in numerous drugs including NSAIDS, anti-inflammatory drugs, blood pressure medicine, medications taken to dampen afibrillation, blood thinners, narcotic pain killers, etc. Of course, to the delight of the Industry, these issues can lead to a vicious cycle of needing more drugs to treat the side effects of the first drug, and so on. Pharmacies are not non-profit for a reason.

Regeneratively raised meat and produce, on the other hand, are natural sources of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that support the body's natural healing processes without the negative side effects. To learn why and how we have been hoodwinked into believing that fat and proteins are bad, you can check out some of the best books written on nutrition such as “The Vegetarian Myth”, “Nourishing Traditions”, and “The Primal Blueprint.”

Another problem with the pharmaceutical industry is that it often focuses on treating symptoms rather than addressing underlying causes. As modern science is repeatedly showing, most chronic conditions (such as metabolic syndrome which more than 80% of the USA is estimated to have) are linked to poor diet and lifestyle choices, such as a diet that is high in processed foods, sugar, and unhealthy fats (think vegetable oil and margarine). By altering our diet to be primarily based around the consumption of grass-fed meats and organic produce, we can help to address some of the root causes of chronic health conditions.

Want to learn more? If you’ve already read the books previously mentioned, check out “The Omnivores Dilemma” by Michael Pollan, or the documentaries “Farm, Inc” or “Kiss the Ground.”

The use of regeneratively raised and grass-fed meats and produce as a preventative medicine is scientifically proven to support a healthy immune system. Don’t believe me? I didn’t believe it either, until after reading those books I began to change my lifestyle and quickly saw first hand the real benefits. Farm and advocate Niti Bali and her Food Church has so strongly believed in the powers of a grass-fed meat-based diet that she has used it to heal herself and others with serious illnesses the medical industry claimed were irreversible, including various cancers, diabetes, and even ADHD.

Just remember, many pharmaceutical drugs are designed to suppress the immune system in order to treat specific conditions while creating numerous other problems for the body. While this can be effective in the short term, it can leave the body vulnerable to other infections and illnesses. By contrast, consuming nutrient-dense, organic foods strengthens the immune system and supports overall health and well-being. No drugs needed. Is it any mystery why the health-care industry isn’t promoting this idea? Never forget that a healed patient is a lost customer.


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Is Grass-Fed Better?