At Ridgemeade Farm, we base everything the following four design, management, and decision making systems.

We have found that the combination of these five systems, along with Holistic Financial Planning, dramatically increases the viability and dynamic sustainability of our projects.

  • Regenerative Agriculture

    Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming and land management that aims to improve soil health, increase biodiversity, and enhance ecosystem services while producing chemical free, nutrient-dense food and fiber. It emphasizes practices that mimic natural systems and cycles.

    Click HERE for more.

  • Permaculture Design

    This design process is focused on creating sustainable and self-sufficient ecosystems by mimicking natural patterns and principles. It uses principles based on natural systems to create self-sustaining and integrated ecosystems that provide for human needs while enhancing biodiversity, soil health, and ecosystem services.

    Click HERE for more.

  • Keyline Design

    This system provides a clear and solid organizing pattern suited to the design of wider landscapes, based upon topography, orientation, and hydrology, and helps us create effective plans for the entire farm's ideal condition.

    Click HERE for more.

  • Holistic Management

    An extremely effective decision-making and management framework that emphasizes the integration of social, environmental, and economic factors in decision-making, as well as the use of grazing animals as a tool for ecosystem restoration. The system emphasizes the importance of managing grazing in a way that mimics natural patterns of disturbance and regeneration, and emphasizes the need for ongoing monitoring and adaptation.

  • 8 Forms of Capital

    Developed by Ethan Roland and Gregory Landua as a way to broaden our understanding of wealth and value beyond just financial capital, the 8 forms of capital include financial, social, living, material, intellectual, experiential, cultural, and spiritual capital.

    Click HERE for more.