When pigs are raised on pasture, with access to natural forage and plenty of sunshine, their meat and fat are richer in micronutrients, particularly fat-soluble vitamins E and D, as well as minerals like selenium. As monogastric animals, pigs make vitamin D in their skin and in their fat when they're exposed to sunlight, making pasture-raised pork particularly rich in vitamin D. Because they live in pasture, they have no need for steroids or antibiotics and because they live peaceful live expressing their nature, their cortisol levels are low to non-existent.

Pasture-raised pigs are quickly becoming the preferred choice for many consumers due to their superior flavor, superior nutrient density, positive environmental impact, and at least at Ridgemeade Farm, total lack of antibiotics, steroids, fungicides, pesticides, and herbicides. Our pigs are all natural, happily raised under blue sky and on green grass.

The pigs are able to consume a natural diet while exhibiting their natural rooting tendencies amongst the grasses and in the woodlands on the farm. This helps to enhance their flavor and make them exponentially more nutrient-dense, particularly regarding vitamins A, K, D, and Omega-3s, which the American diet is sorely missing.